Vishram Sadan
Near all major hospitals in all the cities, the people coming for the treatments and their attendants are forced to live in corridors of the hospital or on the roadside footpath etc. These are the people of the society who cannot afford to live in the costly hotels.
One of the projects of Bhaorao Deoras Seva Nyas for these socially and economically backward people is to run Vishram Sadans near major hospitals so that they get a better place to live and food to eat. All these are provided here at an affordable cost to them. The Vishram Sadans being run currently are near SGPGI Lucknow (2002), KGMU Lucknow (2020), AIIMS Delhi (2018), AIIMS Jhajjar (2021) and IGIMS Patna (2019). One more is being built in Rishikesh near AIIMS and will be ready by March 2024.